converging large systems

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converging large systems

Post by naromero »


I have QBox running on our SGI Altix now.

As a test case, I am running a 1728-atom block of carbon diamond. There seems to be a fair amount of "charge sloshing."

Any suggestions for accelerating the minimization to the g.s.?
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Re: converging large systems

Post by fgygi »

Sure, can you post your Qbox input script (without atomic positions)?
Posts: 32
Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:56 pm

Re: converging large systems

Post by naromero »

It ran for about 80+ SCF and it seemed like it would probably take need at least another 20+ before it converged.
That's pretty reasonable (I think) given the large number of PWs.

Here is the relevant part of the input file.

set ecut 40
set wf_dyn PSDA
set ecutprec 10
run 0 200
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