Building Qbox on BlueGene/Q

Qbox installation issues
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Building Qbox on BlueGene/Q

Post by fgygi »

This post describes the steps used to build Qbox on the Argonne National Laboratory BlueGene/Q computer (Mira).
The following assumptions are made:
- the bash shell is used
- the BLAS, FFTW2, LAPACK, SCALAPACK libraries are available in /soft/libraries/alcf/current/xl. This may have to be modified on another BG/Q installation.

1) Building the Xerces-C library
Choose a directory to build the library. In the following, we build the library in $HOME/software/xerces.

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$ mkdir -p $HOME/software/xerces
$ cd $HOME/software/xerces
Get a copy of the Xerces-C 2.8.0 library from

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$ wget
Untar the Xerces-C source tar file

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$ tar zxf xerces-c-src_2_8_0.tar.gz
Go to the xerces-c-src_2_8_0 directory and define the XERCESCROOT environment variable to be that location

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$ cd xerces-c-src_2_8_0
Go to the src/xercesc directory, run the runConfigure script and make

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$ cd src/xercesc
$ ./runConfigure -p linux -c bgxlc -x bgxlC -n fileonly -r none -s
$ make
The library is now available in $HOME/software/xerces/xerces-c-src_2_8_0/lib/libxerces-c.a.

2) Building Qbox
Get the Qbox distribution tar file and the makefile in $HOME/qb/

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    $ mkdir $HOME/qb
$ cd $HOME/qb
$ wget
$ tar zxf qbox-1.58.0.tgz
$ cd src
$ wget
Define the TARGET environment variable as bgp-omp (note: do not include ".mk" in the TARGET string) and build

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$ export TARGET=bgp-omp
$ make
The Qbox executable is $HOME/qb/qbox-1.58.0/src/qb.
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