This can happen when a variable cell calculation is performed without defining a reference cell. The reference cell (variable ref_cell) is a unit cell that is chosen so as to always enclose the actual unit cell during a variable cell calculation. This requires making a reasonable guess about the largest cell size that is expected during the simulation.
The need for a reference cell comes from the fact that the plane wave basis set changes (for a fixed energy cutoff) when the cell changes. When a reference cell is defined, the basis set is defined in terms of the reference cell (which remains constant during the simulation).
You can add a "set ref_cell .... " statement at the beginning of your second script (that load gs.xml). However, this completely redefines the basis set, so you then have to recompute the ground state before continuing the MD simulation.
Note also that the effective resolution of the basis set will fluctuate during the simulation. This is discussed in detail in the papers
P. Focher, G. L. Chiarotti, M. Bernasconi, et al. Structural Phase-Transformations Via 1St-
Principles Simulation, Europhys. Lett. 26 (5): 345-351 (1994).
2. M. Bernasconi, G. L. Chiarotti, P. Focher, et al. First-Principle Constant-Pressure Molecular-
Dynamics, Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids 56 (3-4): 501-505 (1995).
In order to restore constant resolution, Qbox uses the variable ecuts (see the Qbox User Guide).
This would look something like this:
Code: Select all
set nrowmax 80
load md1.xml
# guess of ref_cell: larger than the largest cell reached during the simulation
# guess based on a 8x8x1 supercell, adjust if needed.
set ref_cell 63 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 30
# the plane wave cutoff needs to be increased by about 5 Ry above the effective cutoff used.
set ecut 65
# effective cutoff ecuts
set ecuts 60
set wf_dyn JD
set xc PBE
set stress ON
# recompute the ground state
run 0 50 10
# start the variable cell calculation
set atoms_dyn MD
set dt 60
set cell_dyn SD
set cell_mass 9.e7
set cell_lock CS
run 300 10
save md2.xml
The recalculation of the ground state only needs to be done once. In subsequent simulations, the input can be:
Code: Select all
set nrowmax 80
load previous_md.xml
set stress ON
set ecuts 60
set wf_dyn JD
set xc PBE
set atoms_dyn MD
set dt 60
set cell_dyn SD
set cell_mass 9.e7
set cell_lock CS
run 300 10
save new_md.xml
Let me know if that solves the problem.
An example of variable cell calculation (optimization of the cell parameters) is also given in the "si2gs" and "cgcell" directories in the "test" part of the Qbox distribution.